5% CBG Oil normal


  • FeelCBDGood CBG Olie 5% bevat ca. 500mg CBG per 10ml (cannabidiol)
  • ingredients: MCT oil, CBG, CBC, CBD.
  • CBG has many similarities with CBD, but it is better to take it in lower concentrations because it is very potent and can also have a counterproductive effect.
  • Especially in combination with other cannabinoids, it strengthens its effect, the CBG can also strengthen things like caffeine, but THC can also come in more intensely.
  • Works for 2 to 4 hours
Product Quantity Discount Price per Unit
26 - 50 77%  8,99
51+ 81%  7,49
SKU: CBG-TRAD-5% Category:


Disclaimer: CBD Olie is een legaal product en mag dus gewoon verkocht en gebruikt worden. Dit komt omdat er geen Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in zit. THC is de stof uit hennep die ervoor zorgt dat je high wordt. Omdat er in onze CBD olie minder dan 0,05% THC zit, voldoet het aan wet- en regelgeving en is het 100% legaal in Nederland en de EU. Maximale dagelijkse hoeveelheid CBD (160mg) niet overschrijden.

  • FeelCBDGood CBG Olie 5% bevat ca. 500mg CBG per 10ml (cannabidiol)
  • ingredients: MCT oil, CBG, CBC, CBD.
  • CBG has many similarities with CBD, but it is better to take it in lower concentrations because it is very potent and can also have a counterproductive effect.
  • Especially in combination with other cannabinoids, it strengthens its effect, the CBG can also strengthen things like caffeine, but THC can also come in more intensely.
  • Works for 2 to 4 hours

Additional information


10 ml