CBD Traditional 10%


  • Contains 10% CBD Oil
  • FeelCBDGood CBD Oil 10% contains approx. 1000mg CBD per 10ml (cannabidiol) 
SKU: CBD-TRAD-20% Category:


Disclaimer: CBD Olie is een legaal product en mag dus gewoon verkocht en gebruikt worden. Dit komt omdat er geen Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in zit. THC is de stof uit hennep die ervoor zorgt dat je high wordt. Omdat er in onze CBD olie minder dan 0,05% THC zit, voldoet het aan wet- en regelgeving en is het 100% legaal in Nederland en de EU. Maximale dagelijkse hoeveelheid CBD (160mg) niet overschrijden.

  • Contains 10% CBD Oil
  • FeelCBDGood CBD Oil 10% contains approx. 1000mg CBD per 10ml (cannabidiol)

Be careful not to spill any CBD oil on the rim of the bottle, as this will become somewhat sticky and may cause the bottle to leak.

  • Based on crude (made from hemp plant material (biomass) because it contains the highest concentration of CBD), so many other cannabinoids for a better effect than with isolate alone.
  • MCT C8 as carrier oil, C8 is high quality MCT oil and has a higher absorption in the body.
  • Works 2 to 6 hours

Do not use during pregnancy and lactation. When using medication or with a doctor's treatment, first consult with the doctor before using this product.

General information:
A food supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle.

Additional information


10 ml